As the school year winds down and temperatures rise, families everywhere are gearing up for the fun-filled days of summer. At Next Generation Pediatric Urgent Care, we’re just as excited as you are about the season! However, we also know that with increased outdoor activities come increased risks for injuries and health issues. Our goal is to help you keep the summer safe and enjoyable for your little ones. Here are our top tips for a healthy summer:

Sun Protection More Than Just Sunscreen

Sun safety is crucial for children as their skin is more sensitive than adults. Here’s how you can protect your kids:

  • Use Broad-Spectrum Sunscreen: Choose a sunscreen with at least SPF 30 that protects against both UVA and UVB rays. Apply generously and reapply every two hours, or after swimming or sweating.
  • Wear Protective Clothing: Long-sleeved shirts, pants, and wide-brimmed hats can offer extra protection.
  • Seek Shade: Especially between 10 AM and 4 PM when the sun’s rays are strongest. Encourage indoor or shaded activities during these hours.

Stay Hydrated

Children don't always recognize the early stages of thirst, which can quickly lead to dehydration, particularly during hot weather.

  • Encourage regular fluid intake: Water is best. Keep sugary drinks to a minimum.
  • Offer fruits and vegetables: These are high in water content and can help with hydration.
  • Keep a water bottle handy: Especially during trips and outdoor activities.

Water Safety Secure and Supervised

Water activities are a great way to beat the heat but require careful supervision.

  • Never leave children unattended near water: This includes bathtubs, pools, ponds, and beaches.
  • Enroll in swim lessons: Skills learned can be vital in preventing drowning.
  • Use flotation devices: For inexperienced swimmers, but do not rely on them to prevent drowning.

Safe Play is Fun Play

Whether it’s a backyard, playground, or sports field, ensuring a safe playing environment is key.

  • Inspect play equipment: Look for hazards such as rusted or broken parts and sharp edges.
  • Dress appropriately: Protective gear like helmets, knee pads, and proper shoes can prevent injuries.
  • Supervise young children: Always keep an eye on them to ensure they are playing safely.

Beat the Bugs

Insects are more than just annoying; they can also pose health risks.

  • Use insect repellent: Products containing DEET are effective against ticks and mosquitoes. Follow instructions for safe application on children.
  • Check for ticks: After an outing, inspect your child’s body for ticks, which can transmit Lyme disease.
  • Manage mosquito bites: Reduce itching and discomfort with calamine lotion or a cold compress.

Handle Heat

High temperatures can lead to heat-related illnesses.

  • Recognize signs of heat exhaustion: These include heavy sweating, weakness, cold, pale, and clammy skin, fainting, and vomiting.
  • Take action: Move to a cooler environment, apply cool, wet cloths, and if symptoms persist, contact a healthcare provider immediately.

At Next Generation Pediatric Urgent Care, we are here to support your child’s health and safety this summer. Should any health concerns arise, remember that our expert team is just a visit away, ready to provide the care your child needs with the compassion and attentiveness you expect.

Here’s to a safe, healthy, and fun-filled summer!

We're here to support you every step of the way.

Metin Yuksel, BSN-RN

Nursing Coordinator 

1.Cleveland Clinic. (2023, June 5). Dehydration. Cleveland Clinic.

2.Sun Safety for Children and Babies. (n.d.).

3. Swimming and Water Safety. (n.d.).

4. US EPA,OCSPP. (2013, July 15). DEET | US EPA. US EPA.